Member Spotlight
Chapter member Susan Wilzer played on her porch for Random Acts of Harping on June 7,2020. It was very hot, nearly 88 degrees. She played for almost 2 hours for her neighbors. What a treat it was for everyone!

Member and chapter president Christina Brier played her harp outside for seniors at the Davis Community on March 20, 2020 during the corono virus pandemic.They listened from afar at their windows and outside their buildings. Christina played five mini-concerts. The Davis Community has been providing live music now for five years to its residents because they see the difference it has made.

Chapter member Susan Wilzer has been busy recording historical tunes for Burgwin Wright House in Wilmington, NC. Here she is performing Cold Frosty Morning.
Chapter member Suzanne Sourwine played background harp music on September 10, 2020 at the Waterway Art Guild reception at the Sunset River Market in Ocean Isle Beach, NC.

Julie Rehder's story, "The Healing Power of Sound," was published in "intracoastal living" magazine in October 2020. Julie is a Certified Music Practitioner. Live prescriptive music provided by a Certified Music Practioner, TM, can help reduce anxiety, improve respiration and heart rate, and promote relaxation and restful sleep.